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Heartwood Federation

Together, we place children at the heart; nurturing love, respect, and life-long learning

Welcome to
Heartwood Federation

Welcome to the Heartwood Federation, where two schools have come together to create a unique and enriching educational experience. 

'Together, we place children at the heart; nurturing love, respect and life-long learning.' As the Executive Headteacher, I am proud to lead this collaborative initiative. 

Heartwood is wood nearer the pith of a stem or branch, different in colour from sapwood - it symbolises strength, connection and shared love.

'Stronger together', our federation is a formal structure between Upton St Leonards C of E Primary School and Nailsworth C of E Primary School, with one Governing Body that is accountable for both schools in the Federation.

We believe there are many benefits of our Federation. Among them are opportunities to collaborate; share expertise and resources; develop staff; strengthen leadership, governance and long term financial sustainability.

Mrs Sarah Broadbent BEd NASENCo NPQEL
Executive Headteacher

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