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Heartwood Federation

Who we are

Heartwood is a hard federation of schools with one Governing Body. The unique feature of Heartwood is its structure which enables our schools to work collaboratively without surrendering their autonomy. 

The ethos of the family of schools is collaborative and participative. Each individual school has a voice, though the open and transparent governance and regular leadership meetings, in the key decisions, which affect each school. Moreover, the Federation aims to value the healthy diversity which exists in each school within the family, and we actively encourage each school to maintain and further develop its own distinctive culture and identity. 

The purpose of our Federation is to use our partnership and work together, to achieve better outcomes for children in our schools through shared expertise, supported autonomy and the provision of specialised services. Our success to date, is reflected in the recent inspection reports of our member schools, although we do not judge the effectiveness of our schools purely by these outcomes.

As the educational landscape is changing at an unprecedented pace, our aim is to provide a supportive and collaborative context in which our schools can continue to thrive into the future. 

If you would like further information about our federation and how it works, feel free to contact us.